You could probably bookend this comic with this comic from February 10, 2019. In that comic I talk about how the K-Mart store that had been open, and at one time thriving, since 1964 had just closed. On that comic, I had included this map:

This Kings Family Restaurant sat across from the Denny’s at that intersection. In the mid to late 60’s to early to mid 70’s that was a busy and prosperous area. Now? It’s but a shell of itself.

BTW, I’ve drawn various comics in the last 9 years about eating out at this particular Kings restaurant. I won’t link to them all here, but here’s a comic from September 2017, where I talk about the place, which includes describing the “Mega Cinnamon Roll”.

Before I confuse anyone reading this comic, the Kings Family Restaurant chain isn’t dead, but when they close up the location where it all began, well, it might as well be.