For months, these hypocritical talking heads have been steering their viewers from getting these free, safe vaccines to help get the country out of this pandemic. They’ve been telling their viewers to not do the simple act of wearing a covering over their mouth & nose when out in public, especially if they’re not vaccinated. Wearing a mask that could help prevent the spread of the virus and help get the country out of the pandemic. Simple, selfless acts that can help everyone stay and get healthy.

Now, though, because their sheep have done what they told them to do, the virus continues to linger in this country and to develop variants of itself. This lingering virus holds the country back from getting out of this pandemic and therefore harms businesses all over America from bouncing back. Which of course ends up scaring stock traders and harming the stock market. So now those same hypocritical talking heads are backpedaling their misinformation decrees. NOT because they want to help others, NOT because they want to save lives. NOPE. Because it’s hurting their pocket book.

And that’s where we are as a nation in the 21st Century.