Daily Comic Journal: January 30, 2018: “Healing In A Hospital.”
She sounded and is looking so much better today. Not only because of the care and medication they’re giving her, but also because of the way she’s being treated by the staff. We always hear or read about the horrific ways some patients are treated in hospitals these days that it’s great to hear positive feedback like this. I mentioned to her that when she’s released and back home, that she should send them a thank you note. So many are compelled to air their grievances at companies or services (and most times, rightfully so) that very rarely do they offer appreciation.
It’s been months since the last comic. Whats happening now?
Well,I’m still alive and kicking! 🙂
Seriously, I’m trying to keep up as much as possible, as you’ll note I posted new comics today & yesterday. I suppose I could “leap ahead” a few months, but there are too many stories I want to tell. I’ll be finally into the February comics which deals with my mom’s health, my job, my house search and more. Please keep checking in daily. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.
I can relate to your mom’s pain, though not, I’m sure, to its magnitude. I’ve had two series of steroid prescription pills over the past month. Sciatica was so bad, I could barely hobble more than a few yards (and my wife and I were on vacation at the time it hit me worst). I’ve started PT and can now walk a bit better, though still use a cane. [FWIW – my wife said it was one of the best vacations because all we did was lay around at the beach.]