Every time you heard that Don Rickles was appearing on the Tonight Show, Dean Martin Roasts or any of the myriad of variety shows that filled the network schedules in the 1960’s & 70’s, you just had to tune in. He insulted everyone, it didn’t matter what their race, creed, color or sex was. His insults made you laugh, and for the most part it made those he insulted laugh too.

It’s been said on the internet these days that that type of humor wouldn’t fly today. I don’t know. Funny is funny, and if you go in prepared to laugh and know that what’s being said is done so to make you laugh, that should be good enough for everyone.

People are just too damn sensitive these days to things, like comedy that’s only said to make us laugh. They should save their anger and sensitivity to situations and people, where and when it’s really needed.