I’ve interviewed and have been hired by numerous companies. Hasbro, Hallmark, Philadelphia Chewing Gum, K’NEX, Siemens, etc… and I NEVER had to go in and “prove” myself beforehand. I would think that a resume and portfolio that shows what I’ve[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Observations
Before anyone asks (I’m guessing that someone might ask on the Facebook post of this comic) no, I wasn’t going to interfere and ask what was going on or asking him if he needed any help. It was a personal[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If you’ve read enough of my comics then you know I have cats. Unlike some people’s attitudes when it comes to dogs and cats, just because I’ve had cats as pets for decades I do NOT hate dogs. In fact,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
On George Carlin’s infamous bit, “The 7 words you can never say on TV”, shit was one of the words. Two of the words are parts of a woman’s anatomy, three words are sexual acts but the last two words,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Now, these are two vehicles, just sitting there. Two innocent people visiting the park. These could be two friends, just sharing lunch and conversation, each day in each other’s car. I’m not saying I ever saw them “doing anything” untoward.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Long time readers of these comics, know that I’m in NO Way one of those anti-mask assholes. During the height of the pandemic I wore my masks every time I went somewhere, especially before I was vaccinated. Though since getting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In case you didn’t get the TV show I was referring to in the last panel, it was “The Honeymooners”. The 1955, 1956 classic sitcom had basically one set, the Kramden’s kitchen. Ralph (Jackie Gleason) was a NYC bus driver[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Confederate Flag disgusts me. Just the sight of it makes my skin crawl, realizing what it represented. First, during the war then in the 20th Century, when racists used it as a symbol to encompass their hatred. Seeing it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
When this theater opened and before it closed for Covid, along with it’s 18 screens it had an upstairs bar with pool tables, a large bounce room and one of those indoor rock climbing set ups plus air hockey tables[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ah yes, that house across the street. The story of that house started back on 9/18/2019 and then on 6/18/2021 when the old lady moved out. Is the story of that house now over, or has it just begun? Who knows.