From November of 1983 through April of 1989 I was an artist/package/toy designer at Hasbro. During those 5 years I created and illustrated a lot of artwork on toy packaging, designed a toy line and illustrated many, many images that were used by licensors for a myriad of companies that wanted Hasbro characters on their products.
This past November I was a guest at the TF Con (Transformers Convention) in Baltimore. I printed a 56 page book that collected many of the designs and illustrations of the toys I worked on to sell at that convention. Along with all the artwork, I give background stories for all of these toys.
They include:
Transformers, G.I.Joe, Air Raiders, Battle Beasts, Army Ants, Inhumanoids, Visionaries, Cops n’ Crooks
I have copies of the book left from the show that you can buy here on my site. For just $20 plus $6 to cover shipping.
(And if you order before Christmas I’ll include free, one of the personal Christmas cards I made and sent to family & friends over the years!)